Can be counted and have singular and
plural forms. We can use a/an one in singular
and some, any, (a) few, etc in the plural
people, clothes, goods, police.
"His clothes are always cleen".
jeans, sunglasses, scissors, etc.
"Angie wears glasses"
audience, class, government, crew
are collective nouns and may take either a
singular o plural verb.
"Tina's family is rich."
Are used only with a singular form verb
and we can't use a/an or numbers
and some, any, (a) few, etc in the plural
with them. To express quantity we use
some, any, much, little, a lot of.
we can use the following expressions to show quantity:
bottle, cup, glass, can, slice, pice, carton, bag, etc +of
"Four cartons of milk"